Agenda updated as speakers and segments are confirmed. Check back often!
8:00am - 9:00am: Networking Breakfast and Experience Hall
9:00am: Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:05am: K-12 Education Learning Loss Updates
The COVID-19 pandemic and school shutdowns caused significant setbacks in student learning, exacerbating existing gaps between high-performing and underserved students. It is estimated that in some districts, students lost out as much as two years' worth of learning in both reading and math. Leaders at the state and local level must act now to address this unfinished learning, or we risk devastating impacts to our future workforce and economy.

In conversation with:

9:35am: Jamming on the Job and Jobs Explained
Learn more about “Jamming on the Job” and “American Graduate Jobs Explained” --the newly released career exploration tools from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. These interactive multimedia productions provide students of all ages with skills and knowledge they need to take on the jobs of tomorrow.

9:40am: Bridging the Gap: Shaping the Future of STEM Education
An astounding 65% of students currently in classrooms will ultimately enter careers that do not exist today. We must ensure that these students are not only prepared but empowered with the essential skills to excel in whatever career paths they embark upon. This calls for a dual commitment: equipping students with the indispensable technological proficiencies in STEM and AI, while also undertaking the formidable task of bridging the educational gaps that have emerged during the unprecedented learning challenges posed by the pandemic.

In conversation with:

10:10am: Industry Spotlight: Hospitality Adapting to Thrive in the New Era of Work
The company culture at Marriott International dates back to the original nine-stool root beer stand in 1927, that became the Hot Shoppes Restaurant chain, and eventually evolved into the international company that we all know today. Embedded in the origin, and throughout Marriott’s entire history, is the sense of strong culture and ability to adapt to global challenges. According to the Marriott culture, if you take care of your associates that work at the company, they will take care of the customers, and the customers will come back. David Marriott has continued this work since and looks to focus on the new era of hospitality, and learnings from the past four years.

In conversation with:

10:30am - 10:45am: Networking Break and Experience Hall
10:45am: Rethinking the Delivery of Skills Education

In conversation with:

11:05am: Innovations in Earn and Learn
There is a myriad of earn and learn programs available – apprenticeships are but one. Their value lies in the connection to work and careers and delivering on the job training. These types of programs are delivering skilled talent to employers while providing workers/learners training and a path to a career.

In conversation with:

11:40am: Companies Fixing the Childcare Crisis in Their Communities
Employers across the country are taking leadership roles in addressing the childcare challenges facing families across the country. Tapping into community-driven solutions, these business leaders discuss education, innovation and equity in childcare solutions.

In conversation with:

12:10pm: Building a Career in Tech After Prison
Flikshop is the social enterprise that connects communities back to incarcerated people. Hear from CEO Marcus Bullock as he shares his inspiring journey into tech, how he builds his executive team, and the rules he set for himself as he builds his fast-growing startup.

12:20pm: Networking Lunch and Experience Hall
12:35pm Virtual: Wrong Fit, Right Fit: Why How We Work Matters More Than Ever
How do we make work, less work? We are in the midst of a crisis of commitment in the workplace—organizations are searching for engaged employees (“talent”) and employees are looking for a place to thrive. Both are struggling. What if the issue isn’t good or bad culture, but the fit between our ideal work way of working day-to-day and that of the companies we join. If we fit, we hum, we connect, we create momentum and do our best work with grace and ease because our creative energy is not eaten up in coordination cost and deciphering how to be a success–we just are. But the wrong fit has serious consequences. It can erode performance, drive up frustration, and steal our competence. The good news is, there is a way forward. Through his decades of experience and exhaustive research, including in-depth interviews with knowledge workers and leaders from all walks of life, Dr. Martin guides talent and organizations to find right fit.

12:45pm: Advances in Financing Talent for Better Outcomes and Less Debt
A lack of financial support to workers and learners in all communities has created gaps in talent and advancement opportunities. New solutions in skills savings accounts, as well as alleviating the burden of short or long-term debt, can provide lifelong support to close these gaps and expand the talent pool.

In conversation with:

1:20pm: Talent Testimonial
This inspiring and informative discussion will explore learning more about the challenges and opportunities of recruiting new talent from around the world. CSM Safi's story is a testament to the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workforce, and it will challenge us to rethink how we embrace new talent to ensure true global prosperity.

In conversation with:

1:35pm: A Skills-Based Approach to Hiring and Advancement
Skills-based hiring is on the rise and many companies are seeing this as a potential permanent shift in how they fill job roles. The implications loom large for education and workforce development. This panel will explore the current state of skills-based hiring and advancement, including what is working and what work remains to be done to get it right. Panelists will also explore what it means for the larger talent development ecosystem.

In conversation with:

2:15pm - 2:30pm: Networking Break and Experience Hall
2:30pm: Fireside Chat Announcement
Join this leadership discussion with Accenture North America's new CEO Manish Sharma and Goodwill Industries' President and CEO Steven C. Preston, as they share an innovation partnership announcement in sustainable talent and workforce development.

2:50pm: Creative Solutions & Action in Diverse Hiring
Corporate leaders will discuss the essential commitment to diversity and inclusion across different communities. As large companies across the world, how are they prioritizing this in hiring, leadership, supply chain partners, and more, and why is this integral to the company.

3:30pm: Understanding and Investing in AI, with Co-Authors of "AI for the Rest of Us"
While the U.S. continues to be a leader in the research and development of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), it has been much slower to implement AI than many of our global counterparts. What are the risks if that trend continues? What are the benefits to learners, workers, communities and employers if they can understand and implement future ready technologies like AI?

3:45pm: Reskilling and Retraining Alongside Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies are redefining the skills required for traditional and new jobs. Ensuring companies and learners have a clear understanding and path in the new world of work will support and continue to align for a more equitable talent marketplace.

In conversation with:

4:20pm: Closing Remarks and Invitation to Networking Reception

4:30pm - 5:30pm: Networking Reception and Experience Hall