You’ve Got The Job: Committing To Second Chance Employment
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
1:40 PM - 2:10 PM (EST)
The words, “You’ve got the job,” can be life changing and people returning from incarceration deserve to hear those words in order to thrive and contribute to our communities. Economic empowerment is key to making this happen. Companies can strengthen their business models, community engagement, workforce, and the economy through second chance employment but they need the tools to engage. This session will look at commitments and benchmarks that can be helpful in driving change.
Gregory Fairchild - Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, & Resilience Education
Heather Higginbottom - JPMorgan Chase, PolicyCenter
Genevieve Martin - Dave's Killer Bread Foundation
Steve Preston - Goodwill Industries International
Heather Higginbottom - JPMorgan Chase, PolicyCenter
Genevieve Martin - Dave's Killer Bread Foundation
Steve Preston - Goodwill Industries International