The Importance of Emotional, Mental, and Financial Support
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
3:05 PM - 3:20 PM (EST)
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated elevated levels of stress and insecurity among workers, including ones who have been displaced, and their families. Companies, whether they already had supportive programs in place or not, need to be responsive to the broad-ranging and long-lasting psychological and financial impacts of the pandemic across their communities. This session will look at how the private sector can help people, particularly with their emotional, mental, and financial needs and emergencies.
Jim Starr - America's Charities
Elyse Cohen - Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez
Allison Hill - Roark Capital Group
Elyse Cohen - Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez
Allison Hill - Roark Capital Group