Building Successful Partnerships for When Systems Fail
Date & Time
Friday, July 29, 2022, 10:20 AM - 11:05 AM
Bob Kolasky Alaina Clark Matt Hayden Doug Baker Penny Neferis

Structures for coordinating across sectors are maturing while the threats, vulnerabilities, and overall risks are dynamic. Disruption across sectors and systemic failure seems more possible now. The global impacts of the pandemic, nation-state cyber threats, hostilities abroad, and the increasing frequency and severity of other hazards have validated long-held concerns across companies that external threats to supply chains and systems and demand shocks, vulnerabilities such as oil dependence, and economic uncertainty are creating a groundswell of complexity. Does this environment present insurmountable challenges, new solutions, partnerships capable of reducing fragility, or shatter the structures we depend on? This panel examines systemic readiness in this context and offers a glimpse to what to expect and what can be done now.