Full Name
Nan Morrison
Job Title
President & CEO
Council for Economic Education
Speaker Bio
Nan J. Morrison is president and CEO of the Council for Economic Education, whose mission is to provide K-12 kids with the tools and knowledge of personal finance and economics so that they can make better decisions for themselves, their families and their communities.

Prior to CEE, Nan spent 20 years as a management consultant (BCG, Accenture) primarily working with technology companies and in post-merger integration. She serves on the Advisory Board of the MIT Center for Finance & Policy, CNBC’s Financial Wellness Advisory Council, the College Board’s new AP Business Principles Course Advisory Board, chaired the executive committee of a $100 million agency serving the aging in New York City and served on the Federal Reserve’s Centennial Advisory Council. She was also a founder of Restart Central, an organization that helped small businesses recover in the aftermath of 9/11.

Nan holds a BS in applied mathematics/engineering from Yale University and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. She has completed seven triathlons.
Nan Morrison