Full Name
Rebecca Mousseau
Job Title
Company (Please input the full name of your organization)
US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Speaker Bio
Rebecca Freyvogel Mousseau has been with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center (CCC) since the summer of 2004. As executive director of corporate relations, Rebecca helps companies identify how the Center can support their corporate citizenship initiatives and introduces companies to programs and partnership opportunities. Rebecca also manages business partners' relationships for the CCC’s conferences and forums.

As part of her role, Rebecca spearheaded the health and wellness initiative. She served on the Nonprofit Conference on Fundraising Development Committee from 2009 – 2011, which seeks to build the capacity of nonprofits and is hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton, a CCC partner company. She also served as a judge for the Points of Light Institute Corporate Engagement Award of Excellence from 2007 – 2011.

Rebecca chaired the U.S. Chamber's Employee Communications Committee from 2007 – 2009 and has been an active member since 2004. She is on the Board of Directors of the John Paul II Fellowship, where they are opened Trinity House Café in the D.C. metro area. In addition, she serves on the Board of Governors at The Catholic University of America and volunteers regularly through St. Lucy’s Auxiliary and The Order of Malta.

Prior to joining The CCC, Rebecca supported various initiatives in Washington, D.C., including the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives' 2004 Conference and the Republican National Committee's "Catholics for Bush Campaign." Rebecca has worked as a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, where she served under the vice president of external relations, and at The Becket Fund, a non-profit law firm. Rebecca was also a member of the President's Society at the Catholic University of America.

Rebecca holds a B.A. in Communications and Philosophy from The Catholic University of America. She also received a Certificate of Achievement from The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University in 2009.

Rebecca resides in Pittsburgh, PA with her husband, Derek and daughters, Meredith and Laura.
Twitter Handle
Rebecca Mousseau