More than Words: Opportunities for All
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
1:15 PM - 1:40 PM (EST)
The systemic inequalities ushered to the forefront over the past year have pushed us to confront the racial divides in our society. The already existing economic challenges exasperated by the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest have disproportionately impacted Black entrepreneurs, with an estimated 25 to 50 percent of Black-owned businesses closing since February. A strong and thriving Black-owned business community is essential to fueling the equality of opportunity. Companies of all sizes are now hyper aware of the need for ecosystem change and growth, and are ready to make large investments in supporting the Black-owned business ecosystem as an important part of ending race-based gaps and providing opportunities for all.
Rick Wade - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Walter Frye - American Express
Victoria Hancock Graham - Hancock, Graham & Associates LLC
Walter Frye - American Express
Victoria Hancock Graham - Hancock, Graham & Associates LLC