Why is Readiness Important for Building Resilience?
Date & Time
Thursday, July 28, 2022, 9:20 AM - 10:00 AM
Christopher Fussell - McChrystal Group
Caitlin Durkovich - The White House
Daniel Kaniewski - Marsh McLennan
Caitlin Durkovich - The White House
Daniel Kaniewski - Marsh McLennan

Whether an NGO, company, or government agency, organizational structures and missions are clashing with seasonal threats outside of the traditional timeframe, stretching capacities and capabilities of communities and organizations. As we enter the third year of living with COVID-19, new and persistent challenges remain. Global crises are playing out domestically on a changing social landscape. When requirements are inconsistent and escalating, how can tangible steps towards readiness be achieved? What is the tangible link between readiness and resilience outcomes? What investments in public-private readiness improve resilience?