Futuring: Looking at Today’s Societal Issues through Tomorrow’s Lens
Date & Time
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 1:30 PM
Lucy Ziegler

Organizations striving to lead need to have a long view into the future, which helps them be more prepared and proactive in their strategic decisions. In today’s world, we must anticipate challenges, develop solutions, and have plans in place for moments in time that have not yet happened. Join a fascinating talk about looking at today’s society through tomorrow’s lens, led by McKinsey & Company Design x Foresight team members. Answer questions such as, how can we make clearer sense of change factors and become more prepared, agile, and intentional in our planning, even though uncertainties abound? How can we become more proactive in creating the future we want? How can business help solve for what’s ahead? And, what would happen if businesses collectively make these decisions for a better future for all?