Panel: Companies in Communities – Developing Shared Resilience Goals Collaboratively
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Diana Yassanye - Parasol Health Consulting
Pepper Natonski - Duke Energy
Jonathan George - PepsiCo Foundation
René Deida - Prudential
Belinda Constant - City of Gretna, LA
Pepper Natonski - Duke Energy
Jonathan George - PepsiCo Foundation
René Deida - Prudential
Belinda Constant - City of Gretna, LA

Communities need companies, and companies can advance the whole community. Threats, hazards, and risks challenge them both as the world becomes more complex. Organizing to identify shared risks, develop goals, and assess what adjustments are needed requires multi-sector commitment. This panel explores how to work together with a common vision, tenacity, and resources across sectors.